
It is Christmas 2019. I don’t mean Christmas Day, but the season of Christmas. The specific date I am writing this first post for the season is December 28, 2019. For most today, Christmas begins sometime in December and ends on Christmas Day or perhaps what Canadians call Boxing Day, December 26 (though advertizers shout about Boxing Week now for their sales). But for Christians of the sort who observe the Church year, Christmas begins on December 25 and ends on January 6. This is the fourth day of the Christmas season. I decided a week ago to do something with the several old Bibles I have, but did not have time until now.

I spent the past hour sorting photographs I took with my old iPhone 7 of parts of each Bible. I will devote a post to each over the next few days. I have seven Bibles and ten days, sensibly allowing myself time for the duties that consume about 10-12 hours of each day before I can get to writing.

The seven:

  1. 1860 Wright Family Bible (part of my maternal grandmother’s family)
  2. 1864 Bates Family Bible (my maternal grandmother’s family)
  3. 1873 Aseltine Family Bible (my paternal grandmother’s family)
  4. 1899 Harrison Kemp Bible (my maternal grandfather’s boyhood Bible)
  5. 1954 Dennis Brian Kemp Smith Bible (my elder brother’s childhood Bible)
  6. 1960 My Gideon New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs (given to me in 1960)
  7. 1966 Ignatius Catholic Bible (purchased by me sometime in the 1990s)
  8. 2019 Bible Gateway Online Bible (many versions – downloaded to my iPhone)

Today’s Scripture reading which seems appropriate:  Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest  (NIV Matthew 11:28)

I prefer the King James Version for prayer and the NIV for study.

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